Category: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a state in northwest Europe, by area 242.900 sq.. Northwest border with Ireland and wetted perimeter of the North Sea. This island country with unique land border 360 km. about the Republic of Ireland on the island of Ireland. The total land area of ​​the country […]



Wales is a country rich in history and natural beauty. It also has a living Celtic culture much different that the other regions of the UK. Wales is an ideal destination for travelers because of the beautiful nature of, including mountains and coastlines of the three different national parks, of rich history […]



Scotland is a country – part of the United Kingdom. Scotland is divided basically into two areas, in mountainous areas (Highlands), and in the lowlands (Lowlands). Respectively its inhabitants, which is mainly Celtic origin, divided into mountain (Highlanders – Highlanders) and pastures (Looulanters – Lowlanders). The Highlanders are those who consider themselves, their […]



England is an island country in Europe and part of the United Kingdom. It borders with Scotland and west Wales. England bordering northwest of the Irish Sea, while south of the Celtic Sea. The North Sea to the east and the Sea Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. […]
