Travel > Europe – Europe

Information about Hungary

Hungary is a unitary constitutional republic located in Central Europe. Has for capital Budapest, official language and the Hungarian currency is the forint. The flag is composed of three horizontal strips, red, white and green, and the national anthem is Himnusz. surface 93.030 sq., extends 250 km. from north to south and 524 km. from west to east. He's got 2.009 km. border with Austria to the west, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia to the south and southwest, Romania southeast, Ukraine in the northeast and the north Slovakia.

Hungary is an old country founded as a kingdom 1000 by Stephen A.’ Hungary whose sovereignty, lost during the Battle of Mochats 1526 You will actually find itself in 1920 as a result of the pact of Trianon. This independence has as main effect the loss of two-thirds of the counties of the old Kingdom of Hungary, the creation of Slovakia, Croatia and the attachment of Transylvania in Romania. The status of the Hungarian population were outside the new borders serves as an incentive for implementation by Hungary of an explicitly irredentist policy is an explanation for the country's alliance with Nazi Germany during the Second’ World War II. The old Hungarian domination in the Carpathian basin is always at the heart of relationships that Hungary maintains with its neighbors.

With population 10.076.062 resident, Hungary is a middle power at European level. It features a capitalist type economy with a public sector continues to be important. Like many former socialist countries, the output of the model for many years dominated by industry (construction truck, bus, railway equipment and machines within the Comecon). The agricultural capacity is greatly increased but the sector lost a significant portion of the labor of the hands on the altar of modernization. As several European countries, The Hungarian economy has tritogenopoiithei significantly in recent years. Hungary, end, distinguished in the field of research and technological innovation. Counts a large number of Nobel prizes per capita and scientific exchanges are superior.

Hungary is a member of the Visegrad Group, of the European Union, NATO, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations.

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About Austria

The Republic of Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe and a federation 9 Lander.

Austria is bordered by Liechtenstein and Switzerland west, Italy and Slovenia south, Hungary and Slovakia east, Germany and the Czech Republic north. It is a country with rich history and culture.

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Information about Italy

Italy or, officially, Italy, It is a unitary parliamentary republic in Southern Europe. It consists of a boot-shaped peninsula and two large islands in the Mediterranean Sea: Sicily and Sardinia. Northern borders with Switzerland and Austria, west France and east with Slovenia, exklavio while Italy is the city Campione d'’ Italy, located in Switzerland. The independent countries of San Marino and Vatican are located entirely within Italian territory.

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